What is Yamato’s Real Gender in One Piece

Yamato Gender One Piece

One Piece is a manga series created by Eiichiro Oda which first came out in 1997. It has also spawned an anime series, video games, and a live-action show which is one of the best anime to live-action adaptations. One Piece is known for its diverse cast of characters of different shapes, sizes, and genders.

Yamato is one such character who quickly gained popularity after they were first introduced in the Wano arc. Their gender identity has always been a murky area and it has not been resolved even more than a hundred chapters beyond their first appearance.

This has given rise to huge debates in the One Piece fandom regarding Yamato’s real gender and queries about their gender reveal and pronouns. In this article, we will give you a rundown of the whole Yamato male or female issue, their history, and personality.

Note: In light of the ambiguity, we would be using they/them pronouns to refer to Yamato.

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Yamato Gender Identity One Piece

Yamato is a popular character from the already popular manga and anime series One Piece. They were born as the daughter of Kaidou who is the Governer-General of the Beast Pirates and used to be one of the Four Emperors who ruled over the New World.

Once referred to as the Oni Princess by their father’s subordinates, they were so inspired by the legendary Samurai Kozuki Oden that they began to emulate him.

After Oden’s death, Yamato began impersonating him, adopting his mannerisms, and even started identifying as a man in certain ways. Now, Kaidou and the Beast Pirates too began referring to Yamato as the former’s son after this.

Yamato was introduced in the Wano arc and possessed the mythical Okuchi no Makami Devil Fruit that enabled them to transform into a wolf-like spirit with icy powers. They initially wanted to join Monkey D. Luffy’s crew but eventually decided to remain in Wano to protect it from outside forces.

Yamato and Kozuki Oden

Kozuki Oden was the daimyo of Kuri in Wano country, a legendary samurai, and the leader of the Nine Red Scabbards samurai group. He played a pivotal role in Yamato’s life even though the two never interacted in person. The latter yearned for a life beyond the confines of their upbringing and Oden’s fearless nature and pursuit of freedom resonated with them.

The turning point was when Yamato witnessed Oden’s execution where he sacrificed his life to save his fellow samurai. They began idolizing him to the point they wanted to become “Kozuki Oden.” Wanting to be something beyond Kaidou’s daughter, Yamato started emulating their idol’s mannerisms and even identified as a man in several ways.

They often declare that they are Oden i.e. their goal is to be him rather than simply be someone like him. As Yamato was confined to Wano’s Onigashima for most of their life, their free-spiritedness and the desire to see the outside world is similar to Oden and this is what motivated them to befriend Luffy and Ace and try to join their crew.

Is Yamato Male or Female?

The question of Yamato’s gender is a hotly debated one in the One Piece fandom. Ever since they first appeared in the Wano arc, people have been trying to figure out whether they are a boy or a girl. 

The broad, uncomplicated answer to this is that Yamato is biologically female. They were born as Kaidou’s daughter and have the physical characteristics of a woman. Their gender identity, however, is a whole other matter. It is not helped by the fact that there are contradictions within the official universe itself.

Let us see some of the major points that have contributed to confusion regarding Yamato’s gender.

Conflicting Pronouns

Yamato refers to themselves in male pronouns such as “he” and “him and consider themselves to be Kaidou’s son. Despite this, they continue to dress and style their hair like a woman. Adding to the confusion is the fact that Kaidou and other characters frequently refer to Yamato as “she” or “daughter.”

Vivre Card Issue

In the official Vivre Card databooks for One Piece, Yamato is designated as female and referred to with female pronouns. This fact seemingly contradicts their self-identification as a man resulting in heated debates in the fandom. Fans are not sure whether they should prioritize the official information or Yamato’s description of themselves.

Yamato Bathing Scene

In Chapter 1052 of the One Piece manga, there is a scene where Yamato declines the invitation to bathe with women stating that there is no mixed bathing in the castle. They are in a subsequent scene seen bathing with men which implies that they are male.

However, the opposing viewpoint is that Yamato has often been subjected to fan service like a woman and the bathing scene is simply one of the many jokes about a woman being naked around men.

Female Character Lineup

Chapter 1084 of the manga featuring a lineup of the prominent female characters in the series further added to the confusion. The chapter opens with a color page featuring the female characters and Yamato is included among them. This has further exacerbated the confusion regarding their gender identity.

Relationship with Kozuki Oden

Another argument about Yamato not being a man(or a trans man) stems from her reason for wanting to be male. They deeply admire Kozuki Oden and want to be him. As their hero is a man Yamato too desires to be a man. 

Their declarations of being male and adoption of masculine pronouns and traits stem from their intense hero worship of Oden rather than gender dysphoria about their female body. 

Closing Thoughts

There are many gender-ambiguous characters in One Piece that challenge stereotypes and open doors for discussions and greater acceptance of differences. Yamato is one such character who has subverted gender norms and sparked discussions around gender identity and sexuality.

Despite the fan theories and clues, it is a fact that the series itself is full of contradictions regarding Yamato’s gender and nothing short of an official statement by Eiichiro Oda would settle the debate. 

With nothing like that in sight, neither people considering Yamato to be a man nor those considering them to be a woman can be called wrong. There are now discussions emerging that Yamato could be bigender, genderqueer, or gender-fluid and that is valid too. You can also check out these anime podcasts where genuine anime watchers discuss such important topics in detail.

Picture of Brahmleen Kaur

Brahmleen Kaur

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