How to turn on the flashlight for Android phones (Samsung, One Plus, Nokia, Huawei, Oppo, Xiaomi, Motorola)

The flashlight is one of the most used modules in a smartphone from taking a picture to navigating yourself in the dark. In the early 2000s flashlight on a phone would be an exclusive feature. The flashlight was one of the major features of selling a smartphone back in those days.

Technology changes so quickly and now almost all of the smartphones have a flashlight which mostly placed at the back near the camera. 

The most common use of the flashlight is when we take a picture in the dark. Other than that we mostly use it to search for things in a dark corner or when the room light is off and we trying to navigate ourselves. Most of the android phones have over 2 ways to turn on the flashlight. Some even have simple gesture which turns on the flashlight like double-tapping on the lock screen or long-pressing the volume button.

In the article, I will show the multiple ways in which you can turn on the flashlight on your Android phone which includes Samsung, One Plus, Nokia, Huawei, Oppo, Xiaomi, Motorola and many more. After reading this article you should never have a problem with turning on the flashlight.

First way: Turn on the flashlight with the notification bar (Android 5.0 and above)

Android 5.0 phones were the first which came with the quick flashlight function on the notification bar. The Android phone with earlier versions had to go to the setting or download an app just to turn on the flashlight. After the Android 5.0 update user would just need to follow two simple steps.  

Steps to Turn on the flashlight with the notification bar

Step 1: Drag down the notification bar by placing your finger at the top of your screen and moving it down. 

Step 2: Look for the Flashlight option and tap on it once to turn it on. To turn off the flashlight you would have to tap on it again.

I have screen recorded my One Plus phone for the above steps so that you find it easy to turn on the flashlight on your Android phone (Most of the android phones have the similar steps like my One Plus 5t)

Almost all of the new smartphones in the market right now have the flashlight option on the notification bar, but if you don’t use the method given below.

Second way: Turn on the flashlight with a dedicated app

Most of the Android phones come with the flashlight option. Some manufacturers might not have the flashlight as an option. If you are using a device that is a few years old then there are high chances your phone might not have the flashlight on the notification bar.

It’s really simple you would need to go to the Google Play Store and search for the flashlight app. There are hundreds of dedicated flashlight apps which you can download from the Google play store. 

Step 1: Open Google Play Store

Step 2: Look for a flashlight app that is suitable for you.

Step 3: Download and install the app

Step 4: Open the app and use the flashlight

Third Way: Turn on the flashlight using Google Assistant

Google Assistant first came out on Google Pixel and Nexus phones in 2016. You can give multiple commands with “Ok Google” and the phone would directly take you to the function or app. The best use case for using Google assistant is when you are busy multitasking and need to open an app or turn on the flashlight using Google Assistant

Google has made it very simple for Android users, just long-press the home button and Google’s voice assistant would pop up. Say “Ok Google Turn on the flashlight” and the flashlight would turn on. To turn off just say “Ok Google Turn off the flashlight”

Before starting these steps make sure you are using the Android 6.0 and above. Google Assitant does not work on a phone below Android 6.0.

Step 1: Check if your phone has Google Assistant App. If it does not go to the Google Play Store and download the app. 

Step 2: After you have downloaded the app. Long press the home button and Google voice Assitant would pop up

Step 3: Say, “Ok Google, turn on the flashlight” and the flashlight would come on (Google sometimes has problems with user speaking a different accent and it could take you a few tries for its assistant to understand)

Step 4: Say, “Ok Google turn off the flashlight” to put it off

Picture of Joel Picardo

Joel Picardo

Joel Picardo has been in the startup space for the last 5 years and has worked with startups in the cryptocurrency and digital marketing industry. He founded GeekyMint along with his co-founder SafdarAli with a mission to provide well-reseached articles in the cryptocurrency, finance, technology, blockchain, software, and startup sector

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