Top 8 best free Basketball streaming sites

watching basketball at home

The basketball season has come and gone, but there are still many Basketball games that continue to be played throughout the whole year. The NBA is the most popular Basketball game. 

It has a huge fan following and along with which many diverse fans as well. You have fans from many different countries who like to watch the games, but they simply cannot.

The reasons can be money, such as geo-restricted streaming, time differences, or not having a good streaming platform to watch one.

But don’t worry, because I have listed down 8 of the best sites that sites that will let you stream Basketball games for free.


NBA Streams


As I had mentioned before, NBA is the biggest sporting event when it comes to basketball. 

So, of course, the majority of the fans who might be searching for streaming basketball games would mainly be looking for NBA streaming sites, and this website does just that. 

NBA Streams has everything that you could want from a basketball streaming site. It has information regarding your favourite teams when the matches will be played, and many more.

What are the things we liked about NBA Streams?

NBA Streams claims to have an app on both Android and IOS, so it would help you a lot to watch the matches when you are on the go. 

Their website is actually pretty easy to use, and the quality of the streams is also pretty nice and smooth, and they allow you to watch the games in good resolutions. 

The UI of the website is also easy to navigate; you won’t have to worry about getting lost in it to watch the games that you desire to see.

What are the things we didn’t like about NBA Streams?

NBA Stream is a free website to access, no doubt about that. But the website does ask you to make an account on their website to access their streams.

I am not so sure as to why they ask to make an account because they are not producing the streams; they are just a hosting channel for all the streams.

And I am not very comfortable with sharing my data with such websites that tread on the line of illegality and legality. Because, even though they are a hosting site, they are still hosting illegal streams 

Why did we choose NBA Streams as a basketball streaming site?

NBA Streams, even though it asks you about your information, it does the job pretty well that it claims to do. 

It’s a through and through basketball streaming site that will stream all the games that are Basketball.

The site is also super easy to use and nothing too complicated, as it happens with many of such websites. 

Any new fan or a person who is not well-versed with the internet can also access it and still be able to watch the games.

Our review and rating on NBA Streams

NBA Streams, I found to be a good website that allows many of its viewers the content they feel are they are being deprived of. 

It has a fairly nice website, some good streaming links, and an overall nice media player that streams the videos with a good bitrate. 

The site can be easily accessed as well, as there aren’t many cloned websites of it as well. I would be rating NBA Streams 3.5/5 stars.

NBA Full Match


NBA Full Match, just like NBA Streams, allows its viewers access to many basketball games that are happening across the world of Basketball and the NBA as well. 

The site also has a good set of features that you will not be having in NBA Streams, first and foremost being, it doesn’t ask for your credit card or your email ID to access the streams that the site has to offer.

You can just simply click on the links of the website and enjoy the basketball matches on it. 

What are the things we liked about NBA Full Match?

The website loads up pretty quickly on the browser, which is always a good sign. This signifies that the website has enough servers on it that will run stream the whole program without much of interruptions.

Speaking of interruptions, the site also features contained amount of pop-up ads on it. So you don’t have to worry about the fact that in between your game, you will have a pop-up ad that annoys you with it.

And as mentioned before, the site also doesn’t ask you for your account to stream the links. You can very easily watch the games without a lot of interruptions.

What are the things we didn’t like about NBA Full Match?

The website is prone to having some titles and thumbnails that will make you think those are the actual streaming links, but they are actually not. Beware about using those links as they can be dangerous for your computer. 

The site itself is not deemed ‘secured’ by the Chrome browser, which is always a thing to look after; as I mentioned, it can be harmful to your computer. 

Why did we choose NBA Full Match for basketball streaming sites?

NBA Full Match does allow you to stream full matches of the basketball games that are happening. It has a fairly good website that lets you watch all the links for free without asking you for any specific information from you.

The site also runs nicely, without a lot of interruptions, whether that may be server issues or just simple pop-up ads issues. It is a site that you can use to watch your basketball games. 

Just avoid clicking on the thumbnails that are not the actual links of the streams.

Our review and rating on NBA Full Match

NBA Full Match is one of the more decent websites out on the internet that allows its viewers the comfort of watching the basketball games for free. Not a lot of sites offer that, but they sure do so. 

With respect to this, the site also is free from asking for information regarding your account or credit card, so you can be assured that your data, at least those two, are still secured.

It is not a secured website, so you would have to see for yourself if it is something that you want for yourself. I would be rating NBA Full Match 3/5 stars.

Also Read: Top best Cricket Streaming Websites.



Now we are sort of shifting from specific basketball streaming sites and discussing more about websites that stream all sports and also include sports like Basketball.

Crackstreams is one of those websites that allows you to stream many different types of sports and is also popular for that.

It is one of the more recognisable ‘brand’ in terms of streaming sports, and basketball just happens to be one of those sports that it streams really well!

What are the things we liked about Crackstreams?

We have talked about Crackstreams a lot of times on our website because we do find this website to be a good website that streams sports fairly well.

The site features a lot of sports such as basketball, ice hockey, baseball and many more. It also manages to stream all of them in a fairly good manner.

What I mean by that is, that the site offers a good amount of streaming links for all these sports, and it manages the traffic coming onto its site nicely. The site doesn’t lag, and it opens pretty quickly.

What are the things we didn’t like about Crackstreams?

As I mentioned above, the site features a ton of links from a ton of sports. Now that can be good sometimes and not so good the other times.

What I mean by that is that the stream quality of these sports continuously changes based on which link you use. 

Sometimes you will get 1080p resolutions; the other times, you will think that you are watching the games from the 1980s where the pixels are all expanded, and you can’t tell what is going on.  If you are not a fan of crackstream then we have listed the best crackstream alternatives.

Why did we choose Crackstreams as website to stream basketball?

Crackstreams host a lot of links from a lot of other websites, and basketball seems to be one of the games that it streams pretty well. You can watch all the NBA games live on its website.

The website, even though it is not secured, has a good loading time that will make your life easy when you are in a hurry to stream the games.

It is a website we here at GeekyMint, recommended a lot of times and would recommend it again.

Our review and rating on Crackstreams

Crackstreams is one of the more popular sports streaming websites, so it has a lot to live up to because it has its own fan base.

It does the majority of the task that it claims pretty well. It’s got some things here and there that it can still improve. 

But other than that, I think common viewers would find the website to be a nice website for their sports. I would be rating Crackstream 3.5/5 stars. 



Reddit, the social media service. Reddit can also act as a way where you will be able to watch you your live basketball matches for free. 

Reddit is not a stream hosting website like the rest of the websites in this article. It is just a normal social media platform that has the links to where you will be able to watch the games.

It has a subreddit called ‘r/nba’ where many different users post their links on the platform so that people like you and me can watch the matches in our peace. 

What are the things we liked about Reddit?

Reddit is out and out, a social media platform where tons of different people can come and chat and have a good time sharing different posts. 

But if we talk specifically about Reddit in the context of Basketball, I really like the fact that a lot of users come in together and provide links that many of these websites also don’t have.

You will surely be able to enjoy the sport of your liking when you use Reddit.

What are the things we didn’t like about Reddit?

I mentioned that it has links that not many other streaming websites have, and I mean it. Reddit will have a lot of links that might be intended for nefarious purposes.  

Because usually, what happens in sites like NBA Streams or any other Basketball streaming site, is that they go through a ton of research to find the best links that stream the sport.

Because they know that if the viewer is satisfied with the experience, then he/she will return back on their website to watch more games. This subreddit doesn’t care about that, mostly.

Why did we choose Reddit as a basketball streaming sites?

Reddit, even though it has this major flaw, still can act up as a good choice for many people who are looking to stream their games on the internet for free.

It has a large community of people, and yes, there would be some tricky links here and there, but if you can avoid all of that, then I think you might enjoy using the site.

And especially, if you already are a Reddit user, then you will have more fun than ever.

Our review and rating on Reddit

Reddit as a basketball streaming site is something different to review because it is not a streaming site. It is mostly a social media platform where different communities of people help and support each other.

There would occasionally be some, who would be part of the community for everything but helping people out, and if you manage to stay out of them, then you would be in good hands.

I would be rating Reddit 3/5 stars.

Also read: Top best free baseball streaming sites.

Stream East


Stream East, I think I must have written half a dozen articles now mentioning this website. Because, frankly speaking, it deserves all the attention that it can get.

Stream East is another all sports encompassing streaming website that lets its viewers enjoy many types of sports across many different regions.

It is a site that is gaining popularity as we speak but still isn’t as popular as some other sites, for example, Crackstreams or Buffstreams (about which we’ll talk about soon).

What are the things we liked about Stream East?

I, personally, dig the whole aesthetics of Stream East. And if you are also a fan of the colour combination that is Red, White and Black, then you would find Stream East’s design to be pretty fun as well.

Stream East also hosts a number of streaming links for a number of sports of different kinds on its platform. It has sports such as F1, Basketball, Baseball, and it is soon also going to be venturing into Esports as well!

What are the things we didn’t like about Stream East?

Stream East has been gaining popularity, so what that does is that it makes many more cloned versions of the website. Stream East warns you about it before every stream they have on their original website.

Their original website is ‘’; if you go on that, then you won’t be deprived of the full features and customs that the site has to offer to its new and existing viewers.

Why did we choose Stream East for basketball streaming sites?

I mean, you do want to know about the different ways in which you can watch basketball games for free, right? Well then, that is why we chose it to be on this list.

The streaming website boasts a ton of videos of many different games, and almost all of them are of a very good resolution quality. 

You can easily go to its website and choose whichever link that you will want to see. And I bet that you won’t come out disappointed when you stream on Stream East.

Our review and rating on Stream East.

Stream East has a lot of the things that I want to see on a sports streaming site. You have a good design for your website, and everything is nicely laid out for people to access to.

You have a fairly large collection of sports and links on its platforms, and you get most of the stream done in 1080p or more. That is something you usually have to pay for if you want those features. 

I would be rating Stream East a solid 4/5 stars.



Stream2Watch is another cult classic when it comes to finding out about sites that stream your favourite live matches for free. 

Stream2Watch has been around for a really long time and has certainly seen its fair share of highs and lows. 

If you are even remotely into watching live sports for free, then you surely must have had heard about it somewhere; it is that popular. 

There are some other good things about it that you wouldn’t have heard about; let’s discuss them now.

What are the things we liked about Stream2Watch?

Stream2Watch packs in a lot of links for a lot of different sports, including basketball. You would be getting to see the match in many different resolutions, and you can see which one is the best for you.

It also happens to have a chat feature that is enabled with smart blocking. What it does is that it automatically blocks out all the spam and inappropriate messages before they are even live on your screen.

This is such a great feature because so many websites have a live chat feature, but they are always filled with messages that can very easily ruin anyone’s experience of watching the games.

What are the things we didn’t like about Stream2Watch?

Stream2Watch, since it is a popular website and many know about it, it does feature in a ton of pop-up ads on its platform. This can get annoying very quickly and very fast because ads are annoying!

The site also seems to be running on a UI that was designed back in the early 2000s when the common people were learning about the internet and making their own websites.

It is a bit too slow and somewhat confusing to many people who would be coming on the website for the first time and using it. 

Why did we choose Stream2Watch as basketball streaming platform?

Stream2Watch, even with all of its flaws, is still a great website that allows its viewers to stream across many different sports of different kinds.

You have numerous different sports, but most importantly of them all, you have Basketball! The sport for which you have been searching for!

The site might be old, but it still functions properly, and there is a reason why it is a known website when it comes to streaming any sport for that matter.

Our review and rating on Stream2Watch

Stream2Watch is a well-known property in the world of sports streaming, and we don’t deny that. 

It’s just not up to date with some of the other new websites, such as Stream East, which does mostly what Stream2Watch does but does it better. But it’s not like the website is trash.

It still has its charm and a good content of library for all things live sporting events, and for that reason, I would be rating Stream2Watch 3.5/5 stars.

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Buffstreams is another well-known, I don’t want to say ‘IP’, but it still is a well-known website that helps you stream the sports of your choice. 

On Buffstreams, you will have access to some popular sporting and sporting events such as Cricket, Basketball, NFL, and so many more.

It is not a perfect website, there is no such thing as a perfect website, but it is a damn well website that does the job it is supposed to do.

What are the things we liked about Buffstreams?

Buffstreams allows you to chat along with random strangers from the internet, and you can share your experience with them on its platform. 

Although it does lack the smart blocking feature that you get on the live chat feature of Stream2Watch. 

You also have a custom-made UI for many of the different sports that Buffstream has to offer. You can very easily go about its page and find the sport that you want to see and watch the games.

What are the things we didn’t like about Buffstreams?

The biggest gripe about Buffstreams is that it asks for your credit card number and your email Id to stream the content on its website. 

That is a big ‘No-No’ for me when some website asks for my credit card for a service that they say is free to access. What are they using it for? And that always sounds so fishy to me. 

You can and should be able to watch the games from the comfort of your home without worrying about the fact that you might get robbed.

Why did we choose Buffstreams as a basketball streaming sites?

I mean, this list is for everybody. It is not just for one targeted audience; it is for people who want to watch basketball games for free.

Some might be okay with the fact of allowing their email address and credit card numbers to such sites, and others might not be. It’s fine; it’s a free world, and people can do as they please.

But what matters the most is that you are able to stream your Basketball matches on this platform.

Our review and rating on Buffstreams

Buffstreams is a great website that, if you are okay with sharing your personal details with, you would have a relatively good time on its platform.

It is easy to use and has a nice-looking website as well. For that reason, I would be rating Buffstreams 3/5 stars.

Also read: Top 7 best free NBA streaming sites with reviews

Batman Stream

Batman Stream is also a cool option that you can try out to watch your favourite basketball games online for free. 

Batman Stream is like most of the alternatives that I have listed in this article, where it shares links for a number of different types of sporting events, and you also are able to view them with multiple links. 

It also has some other things to discuss about, as well. 

What are the things we liked about Batman Stream?

As mentioned above, Batman Stream actually offers users a number of different streaming links, and all of them have different links, as well. This basically means that if you are not able to watch the games with one link, then you have the option of choosing other links, as well. 

Along with this, the website also loads up pretty quickly, as well, which is always a good thing to have, as well. 

What are the things we didn’t like about Batman Stream?

The overall UI of Batman Stream is not up to the mark when compared to some of the other basketball viewing sites that are present right now. 

You can easily get confused while using this website, and since it also offers to watch more than one sporting event, it can really end up getting quite confusing for users to choose how to watch the sporting event that they would like to watch.

Why did we choose Batman Stream for basketball streaming sites?

Batman Stream has basketball matches available on it, and that is a major thing for recommending it on this article, because all the other options also have the same sports, as well. 

The overall loading time of this website is also faster, compared to its alternatives, and that can also be something what people are looking for. 

Our review and rating on Batman Stream

Batman Stream is a good website to stream sports, it is just not my personal favourite. I am not too big on its overall UI, as I find it a bit cluttered and not so well throughout as some of the other options present. 

Still, at the end of the day, you can rely on this website to view Basketball matches, and that’s all that matters. 
For that reason, I will rate Batman Stream 3/5 stars.

Our recommendation on the best basketball streaming sites from this list?

Basketball is something that I play from time to time, but then again, I am not a humongous basketball fan as well. 

So for asking me as to which site that I’ll use if I want to stream their games, I think I would have to choose ‘NBA Streams’ for that matter.

Why did we choose NBA Streams of them as the best basketball streaming sites?

NBA Streams has most of the necessary details that would be required for any basketball fan to have if they are into watching that sport. 

It has a great web design, and it makes people want to appreciate the sport more. Yeah, you have to sign in on their website to access the games, but if that’s the sacrifice you can play, then I would genuinely recommend you to use that.

But that was my choice, what about you? What streaming website would you use to watch your basketball games? Do you use any new websites that I haven’t mentioned? Do let us know in the comments down below!

Picture of Sanjit Mansingh

Sanjit Mansingh

Sanjit Mansingh is a Journalism and Mass Communication graduate. While studying in this field he quickly realized what he wants to do in his life: Filmmaking. His interest in writing scripts is what made him give a try in the world of content writing. Sanjit's an avid Movie Geek and is an award winning Director as well.

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